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Game Session 10

Hotfix had been looking forward to playing Star Citizen with his friends for months. He had heard about the game's expansive universe of planets and moons, and its intense PVE and PVP combat missions. Hotfix was especially excited about the bounty hunting, player rescues, and cargo hauling, salvage and mining.

Hotfix was determined to get the most out of the game, so he made sure to use his referral code, STAR-TTG2-KM9Y, during account creation. He was rewarded with free in-game credits and Star Citizen sales event bonuses.

When Hotfix and his friends finally got to play, they were blown away by the vastness of the universe and the intensity of the missions. They had an amazing time bounty hunting, rescuing players, and hauling cargo, salvaging and mining.

The hours seemed to fly by as they explored the universe and completed missions. Hotfix and his friends would often take breaks to chat and share stories about their experiences.

At the end of the night, Hotfix and his friends had gained a greater appreciation for the game and all that it had to offer. They had a blast and were already making plans for their next game night.

C8X Pisces Expedition by Anvil Aerospace - Exploration

The C8X Pisces Expedition was the latest model of star ship created by Anvil Aerospace. It had been designed for exploration, allowing for a unique experience for those that chose to fly it.

Hotfix had been looking forward to the release of the C8X Pisces Expedition ever since he heard about it. He had heard that it was small, but it had the latest in technology and a unique design that allowed for a very efficient and enjoyable experience.

Once he had the ship, Hotfix was eager to take it for a spin. He had heard that the C8X Pisces Expedition was a joy to fly, and he was not disappointed. The small size of the ship allowed for a very agile and responsive experience, and the latest in technology allowed for a smooth ride.

Hotfix quickly began to explore the universe with his new ship. He found that the C8X Pisces Expedition was perfect for exploring the vastness of space. With its small size, it was able to get into tight places that larger ships would not be able to fit, and its advanced technology allowed for a safe and enjoyable journey.

Hotfix soon began to take on missions with his new ship. He found that the C8X Pisces Expedition was perfect for tackling tough missions. Its small size allowed it to get into tight places where larger ships would have difficulty, and its advanced technology allowed it to quickly and efficiently complete the tasks.

Hotfix was amazed at the performance of his new ship. He had heard that the C8X Pisces Expedition was a great ship, but he was blown away by how much it could do. He had found the perfect ship for exploration and missions, and he couldn't wait to take it out and explore the universe.

Star Ship Stats

NameC8X Pisces Expedition
ManufacturerAnvil Aerospace (ANVL)
Crew (Min)1
Crew (Max)3
Length (Meters)13
Beam (Meters)10
Height (Meters)3.2
Mass (Kgs)

Star Citizen Events

It was a time of celebration in the Stanton system as the United Empire of Earth Naval fleet returned to the Stanton system for the annual Invictus Launch Week. The event brought together citizens of the system to revel in the joyous occasion and to experience the latest in military vehicles and technology.

The event had something for everyone--from the chance to test-fly military vehicles for free, to the chance to experience new releases and rediscover old favorites. Not to mention, the highlight of the week was the tour of an in-service Javelin destroyer floating among the clouds of Crusader.

The week was off to a great start, but then the unexpected happened. A hotfix was released for the game, causing a few minor glitches in the event. But the amazing team at Star Citizen was quick to respond and within a few hours the hotfix had been applied and the event was back on track.

The rest of Launch Week was a success and the citizens of the Stanton system were able to experience the latest in military technology and vehicles. It was a week to remember for all of those who attended and a reminder of the strength of the UEE Naval fleet.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.