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Game Session 117

Hotfix had been a fan of space exploration and combat games since he was a young boy. He had grown up playing games on his computer, and when the news of Star Citizen came out, he was ecstatic. He could finally explore and battle in the stars without ever leaving his room.

Hotfix had been playing Star Citizen for over a year now, and it had become his favorite game. He had made many friends in-game, and they often got together to play together. They would go on missions together, doing everything from bounty hunting to player rescues. For those who preferred a more peaceful game, there was also cargo hauling, salvage, and mining.

Hotfix was always sure to remind his friends of his game referral code: STAR-TTG2-KM9Y. This code would give them free in-game credits and Star Citizen sales event bonuses. Hotfix was always happy to help out his friends, and this code was the perfect way to do it.

The group had many great adventures together, and Hotfix was always happy to help out. He enjoyed being a leader, and his friends appreciated his help. He had become an expert in the game, and his friends often sought his advice.

One day, as they were playing, Hotfix's friends asked him why he was so good at the game. He smiled, and said it was because he had been playing for so long. He also reminded them to use his game referral code: STAR-TTG2-KM9Y.

Hotfix and his friends had many more adventures together in Star Citizen, and he always made sure to remind them to use his referral code. With his help, they were able to enjoy all the great features of the game, from the PVE and PVP missions to the cargo hauling, salvage, and mining. Thanks to his help, his friends had a great time in the game, and Hotfix was happy to have been a part of it.

Avenger Titan by Aegis Dynamics - Light Freight

Hotfix had just finished his first mission in his new star ship, the Avenger Titan. He had been wanting one of these star ships for a while now and was glad that he had finally gotten it. He was so excited to be able to take on missions in the game Star Citizen and he was always looking forward to the next one.

The Avenger Titan was a Small size star ship, made by Aegis Dynamics. It was a freight ship and it offered a variety of gameplay within the universe. It had a capacity of 8 (SCU) and a total mass of 52,868.42 kgs, measuring in at 22.5 meters in length.

Hotfix was amazed at how easy it was to maneuver the star ship. He flew it like a pro, executing sharp turns and dodging obstacles with ease. He was also impressed by its speed. He was able to complete his mission faster than he had expected. He had to deliver a large shipment from one planet to another and he did it easily.

Hotfix was also pleased with the star ship's cargo capacity. He was able to transport a large amount of cargo in one trip, which saved him time and energy. He was able to complete more missions in less time, which made him very happy.

Hotfix was also impressed by the star ship's combat capabilities. It was able to take on other star ships and win the battles. He was able to protect his cargo and his ship from other players.

Hotfix was delighted with his new star ship and was looking forward to taking on more missions in the future. The Avenger Titan was an amazing star ship and he was glad that he had chosen it. He was sure that it would serve him well in the future.

Star Ship Stats

NameAvenger Titan
RoleLight Freight
ManufacturerAegis Dynamics(AEGS)
Crew (Min)1
Crew (Max)1
Length (Meters)22.5
Beam (Meters)16.5
Height (Meters)5.5
Mass (Kgs)52,868.42

Star Citizen Events

The International Aerospace Expo was the most talked about event in the 'verse. Pilots from across the stars gathered at the expo to check out the latest and greatest vehicles from the top manufacturers in the business. With 13 days of excitement and free flights and drives, the expo was the destination of choice for pilots of all experience levels.

The expo kicked off with a bang. As soon as the doors opened, people flooded the halls, eager to try out the new ships and vehicles. The atmosphere was electric and everyone was buzzing with anticipation.

On the third day of the expo, a hotfix was released to all visitors. This hotfix allowed them to test out the new ships and vehicles with the most up-to-date features. Everyone was in awe of the new capabilities and the hotfix was a hit with the attendees.

The rest of the expo was just as exciting. People from all over the 'verse were able to get their hands on the latest and greatest vehicles. They were also able to take advantage of the tutorials and FAQs to help them get started in the game.

At the end of the expo, everyone left with a newfound appreciation for the game and the vehicles that it had to offer. No one wanted to leave, but the expo had to come to an end. Everyone was looking forward to the next expo and the next hotfix. Until then, pilots around the 'verse will be flying the latest and greatest ships and vehicles that the International Aerospace Expo had to offer.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.