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Game Session 145

Hotfix was an avid Star Citizen player and had been for many years. He enjoyed playing with his friends and engaging in both PVE and PVP combat missions. Bounty hunting, player rescues and cargo hauling, salvage and mining were all activities that Hotfix and his friends regularly participated in.

One day, Hotfix decided to share his love for the game with his friends and family by giving them his game referral code, STAR-TTG2-KM9Y. With this code they could get free in-game credits and also enjoy Star Citizen sales event bonuses.

Hotfix and his friends were excited to explore the game further with the new credits they received. They decided to use them to purchase new ships and equipment that would help them in their missions.

The group spent the next few weeks playing Star Citizen and participating in various missions. They were able to complete many of them successfully and earned a good amount of credits and rewards.

Hotfix and his friends had a blast playing Star Citizen and were grateful for the bonus credits and rewards they received by using Hotfix's game referral code. They had a great time playing together and Hotfix was glad that he was able to share this experience with his friends and family.

Constellation Andromeda by Roberts Space Industries - Medium Freight;Gunship

Hotfix had always been a fan of the game Star Citizen. He had spent countless hours playing and exploring the vast universe. He had even taken part in a few missions, but nothing compared to the thrill of flying a starship.

One day, Hotfix decided to take the plunge and purchase a large-size Constellation Andromeda star ship from Roberts Space Industries. He was amazed at its size and power, measuring in at 61 meters in length and with a total mass of 436,531.22 kgs. It was a beautiful ship and Hotfix felt like a real space pilot.

The Constellation Andromeda was perfect for Hotfix's needs, as it was designed for freight and delivery missions. It had a capacity of 96 (SCU) and was equipped with the latest technology, making it perfect for any mission.

Hotfix started out by taking short delivery missions, but soon he was taking on more challenging tasks. He explored the universe, discovering new places, and he made a lot of money in the process. Hotfix was in his element and it was a thrill to fly the Constellation Andromeda.

He soon became a master of the ship, performing maneuvers and tricks that he could never have dreamed of doing with a smaller ship. He was able to take on more difficult missions and even help others in need.

The Constellation Andromeda was an amazing ship and Hotfix was proud to call it his own. He realized that he had made the right decision in purchasing the ship and he was grateful for the amazing experience it had provided him with.

Star Ship Stats

NameConstellation Andromeda
RoleMedium Freight;Gunship
ManufacturerRoberts Space Industries(RSI)
Crew (Min)3
Crew (Max)4
Length (Meters)61
Beam (Meters)26
Height (Meters)14
Mass (Kgs)436,531.22

Star Citizen Events

The citizens of the UEE were abuzz with excitement as March 17th approached. It was the day of Stella Fortuna, a Human celebration of luck, success, and new beginnings. The people of the UEE had been preparing for weeks, decking out their star ships in bright green and gold, and stocking up on the best food and supplies for the feast that was sure to follow.

As the day of the event drew near, everyone was eager to take part in the festivities. But the citizens of the UEE soon found out that the festivities would be delayed. A hotfix had been issued, and the UEE was on high alert. The Vanduul had been spotted in nearby systems, and the UEE was taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of its citizens.

The citizens of the UEE were disappointed, but they understood the need for caution. They knew that the Vanduul were a dangerous and unpredictable enemy, and they would not take any chances. After a few days, the UEE declared the area safe and the Stella Fortuna festivities could begin.

The citizens of the UEE gathered in the streets and celebrated with joy. Fireworks lit up the night sky, and the citizens feasted on the best food and drinks in the galaxy. Everyone was in high spirits and ready to embrace their luck.

The citizens of the UEE danced and sang, and the spirit of Stella Fortuna filled the atmosphere. Everyone was filled with hope and optimism as they celebrated their good fortune, and the UEE was able to enjoy a peaceful, successful Stella Fortuna celebration.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.