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Game Session 174

Hotfix had been a fan of Star Citizen since he first heard about it. He was excited to finally get to play the game with his friends. He quickly created his account and applied his referral code, STAR-TTG2-KM9Y, to get free in-game credits and the Star Citizen sales event bonuses.

Hotfix and his friends had a blast playing together. They explored the vast universe, taking on missions that ranged from bounty hunting to player rescues. For those who wanted a more peaceful experience, there were cargo hauling, salvage and mining missions.

Hotfix was especially thrilled when his team completed a mission successfully. He was able to use the credits he earned to purchase new ships and upgrade existing ones. He also enjoyed taking part in the PVP combat missions, as they provided a more intense challenge.

It was a great experience for Hotfix and his friends. They had a lot of fun playing together and the game provided a great way to bond with each other. Hotfix was glad he had the opportunity to play Star Citizen and he would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a great game to play with friends.

Cutlass Blue by Drake Interplanetary - Interdiction

Hotfix had been dreaming of the day he would own a star ship of his own. He had been saving for years and finally, the day had come. He had decided to buy the "Cutlass Blue" star ship by Drake Interplanetary. It was a medium size star ship and was an ideal choice for Hotfix. Not only was it a reliable ship, but it also had a unique role in the game, Interdiction.

Hotfix was excited to finally be able to take his star ship out for a spin. He had heard from other pilots how amazing it was to fly and preform missions with the Cutlass Blue. He was eager to find out for himself.

Once Hotfix got in the cockpit, he was in awe. The controls were intuitive and the ship handled perfectly. It was like he was born to fly this star ship. He quickly set off on his first mission, and it was a success.

Hotfix was amazed at how well the Cutlass Blue handled in interdiction missions. He was able to outmaneuver his enemies and complete the mission with ease. This was a game changer for Hotfix and he was hooked.

He continued to fly the Cutlass Blue and soon became an expert at preforming interdiction missions. He found out that it was even better than he had imagined. The ship was fast and agile, allowing him to outmaneuver any opponent.

Hotfix was now a master of interdiction missions and he was proud to own the Cutlass Blue. He had found the perfect star ship to fit his needs and it had exceeded his expectations. He couldn't wait to take it out for more missions and show off his skills.

Star Ship Stats

NameCutlass Blue
ManufacturerDrake Interplanetary(DRAK)
Crew (Min)2
Crew (Max)2
Length (Meters)29
Beam (Meters)26.5
Height (Meters)10
Mass (Kgs)226,700

Star Citizen Events

It was the time of year everyone had been waiting for - Citizen Con! This event was the biggest celebration of the world of Star Citizen, and the community that made it possible.

The day began with a presentation from the game's developers, giving a detailed overview of the new features and content that had been released since the last Citizen Con. There was a lot to be excited about, and everyone was eager to hear what else the team had in store.

But the biggest surprise of the day was the announcement of a major hotfix. This hotfix was designed to fix a number of issues that had been plaguing the game since its launch, and the entire crowd erupted in cheers when the developers revealed the news.

After the presentation, the fun really began. There were all sorts of activities for the attendees, from game tournaments to cosplay contests. There were also numerous giveaways, including exclusive in-game items and even a few limited-edition ships.

The day ended with a closing ceremony, during which the developers thanked the community for their continued support and enthusiasm. Everyone left Citizen Con feeling energized and excited for what the future of Star Citizen would bring.

It was a day that everyone would remember for years to come, and one that would always be associated with the hotfix that had made everything possible.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.