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If you want to join Star Citizen, use this one-time-code to receive your ingame starting bonus.

Game Session 263

Hotfix had been playing Star Citizen with his friends for years now. He had become an expert in PVE and PVP combat missions, bounty hunting, player rescues and cargo hauling, salvage, and mining. He was always looking for ways to improve his gaming experience, and when he heard about the game referral code STAR-TTG2-KM9Y, he knew it was the perfect opportunity.

The referral code provided free in-game credits and Star Citizen sales event bonuses. Hotfix was eager to try it out and he quickly set up an account with the referral code. As soon as he logged in, he was greeted with an abundance of rewards and bonuses. He was overjoyed and couldn't wait to show his friends.

Hotfix and his friends had a blast playing Star Citizen with the referral code. They spent hours trying out the different game modes, experimenting with their new rewards, and enjoying the amazing sales event bonuses. Hotfix was especially pleased with the bounty hunting missions, as they provided an extra challenge and a great sense of accomplishment.

The friends had a great time playing Star Citizen and they promised to keep using Hotfix's referral code in the future. Hotfix was proud of his friends for using the referral code and he was even more proud of himself for finding such an amazing way to enhance their gaming experience.

Freelancer by Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern - Medium Freight

Hotfix had been dreaming of owning a star ship ever since he was a kid. His parents had told him tales of the vastness of space and the wonders it held. Now, as an adult, Hotfix was finally able to make his dream come true.

He had just purchased the Medium size "Freelancer" star ship from Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern. He had heard great things about this model, and it certainly lived up to the hype. It was 38 meters long with a total mass of 209,230 kgs, and it had a capacity of 66 SCU.

Hotfix was thrilled to be the captain of his own ship. He was eager to explore the universe and take on missions to make some money.

As it turned out, this star ship was perfect for the job. Its size and capacity made it ideal for freight and delivery missions. Hotfix was able to take on missions to transport goods from one planet to another with ease.

The "Freelancer" star ship was incredibly agile and fast. Hotfix was able to maneuver around obstacles in space with relative ease. He was also able to travel long distances in a short amount of time.

Hotfix was amazed by the capabilities of his star ship. He was able to make a decent living by taking on delivery and freight missions. He was living his dream of being a space pilot, and he was loving every minute of it.

Star Ship Stats

RoleMedium Freight
ManufacturerMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern(MISC)
Crew (Min)2
Crew (Max)4
Length (Meters)38
Beam (Meters)23.5
Height (Meters)9.5
Mass (Kgs)209,230

Star Citizen Events

It was time for the highly anticipated Citizen Con, an event that celebrates all things Star Citizen. People from all over the world had gathered to take part in the festivities and celebrate the incredible game they all loved.

The day started off with a hotfix that was released to the game. The hotfix addressed some of the most pressing issues in the game, such as game stability and bugs. This was a great way to start off the event and gave everyone a chance to see the latest updates firsthand.

After the hotfix, the attendees were treated to a series of development updates from the Star Citizen team. They showed off some of the upcoming features and changes that were coming soon, as well as giving everyone a chance to ask questions and get more information.

The day continued with a series of giveaways and prizes, giving everyone a chance to get their hands on some exclusive in-game items. After the giveaways were finished, the event concluded with a final announcement about the upcoming content and features.

The day was a huge success and everyone had an amazing time. Everyone was excited to see what the future of Star Citizen had in store and the event was the perfect way to celebrate the game and its community.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.