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Game Session 275

Hotfix had been dreaming of playing Star Citizen since he first heard about the game. He had heard all the amazing stories about the immersive experience of the game, and he was eager to join in on the fun.

So, Hotfix was thrilled when his friends invited him to join them in playing Star Citizen. He was even more excited when he found out that he could use the referral code STAR-TTG2-KM9Y during account creation to get free in-game credits and Star Citizen sales event bonuses.

Hotfix and his friends quickly got to work. They decided to try out a variety of activities, including PVE and PVP combat missions, bounty hunting, player rescues, cargo hauling, salvage, and mining.

The PVE and PVP missions were intense and exciting. Hotfix and his friends had to work together to complete the missions and stay alive. They were rewarded with credits and other rewards for completing missions successfully.

For those who wanted a more peaceful gameplay, the group took on cargo hauling, salvage, and mining missions. These were more relaxing, but still challenging. Hotfix and his friends enjoyed working together to complete these tasks.

Hotfix had a great time playing Star Citizen with his friends. He was glad he had taken advantage of the referral code STAR-TTG2-KM9Y to get free in-game credits and Star Citizen sales event bonuses. He was already looking forward to the next game session.

Reclaimer by Aegis Dynamics - Heavy Salvage

Hotfix had been dreaming of owning a Reclaimer ever since he saw one in the starport. He had heard stories about how amazing it was to fly and preform missions in the Large size star ship by Aegis Dynamics. He had saved up enough credits to finally make his dream come true.

Hotfix was ecstatic when he saw his new Reclaimer for the first time. He was mesmerized by the sleek design and powerful engines. He couldn't wait to get started flying it.

As he began to learn about the ship, he quickly realized it was designed for Heavy Salvage. He was excited to learn that he could use the ship to explore derelict ships and collect valuable materials from them. This was something he had always wanted to do and he knew it was going to be a lot of fun.

Hotfix spent the next few weeks learning how to fly and preform missions with his Reclaimer. He was amazed at how well the ship handled and how powerful the engines were. He was able to complete missions quickly and efficiently, often salvaging more than he expected.

One day, Hotfix was completing a mission when he came across something unexpected. He found an abandoned ship that appeared to be in good condition. After exploring it, Hotfix realized it was an abandoned Aegis Dynamics ship. He was thrilled to find such a rare piece of history and quickly salvaged it.

Hotfix was so proud of his Reclaimer and the missions he was able to complete with it. He had never expected that the ship would be so capable and he was glad he had made the investment. He now looks forward to flying his Reclaimer and salvaging valuable materials from derelict ships.

Star Ship Stats

RoleHeavy Salvage
ManufacturerAegis Dynamics(AEGS)
Crew (Min)4
Crew (Max)5
Length (Meters)155
Beam (Meters)118
Height (Meters)50
Mass (Kgs)9,500,158

Star Citizen Events

The year was 2486, and it was the day of Coramor, a holiday celebrated throughout the United Empire of Earth (UEE). It was a day of love and remembrance, in recognition of Yuri Ilyin's heroic attempt to reunite with his beloved Corazon Tan.

Yuri had been in a difficult relationship with Cora, and when the jump point to the Oretani system collapsed, she was cut off from him. Despite the impossible odds, Yuri set out on a search for her, sending daily comms to Cora's parents, giving them updates on his progress.

The last of these comms was received on February 11th and was unintelligible except for the phrase "anything for Cora... amor..." It was on this day that Yuri disappeared, never to be seen again.

In honor of his selfless act, the UEE declared February 11th Coramor Day, a day to celebrate true love.

This year, the citizens of the UEE had a special treat in store. Hotfix, the massive intergalactic entertainment network, was broadcasting a special Coramor Day show. It featured a variety of romantic stories, music, and a special tribute to Yuri and Cora.

The citizens of the UEE watched in awe and admiration as the show unfolded, and it was a reminder to never forget the power of love. Coramor Day was a day to celebrate the courage and commitment of Yuri, and to remember that anything is possible when it comes to true love.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.