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Game Session 278

Hotfix had been playing Star Citizen with his friends for over a year and they had all become quite adept at PVE and PVP combat missions. They had become quite proficient at bounty hunting, player rescues, cargo hauling, salvage, and mining.

The game had become a regular part of their lives and they all looked forward to logging on and playing together. Hotfix had been especially excited when he found out about the Star Citizen referral code, STAR-TTG2-KM9Y. He was able to apply the code during account creation to get free in-game credits and some special Star Citizen sales event bonuses.

He shared the code with his friends and they were all able to enjoy the extra perks. They had even begun to look into taking part in some of the organized events that the game had to offer.

The group was having a blast playing together and Hotfix was glad that he had found the referral code to share with them. He was sure that the extra in-game credits and bonuses had made the game even more enjoyable for them all.

135c by Origin Jumpworks - Starter;Light Freight

The Hotfix, a Small size "135c" star ship by Origin Jumpworks, was the pride and joy of the pilot, who had dreamed of flying a star ship since childhood. With its sleek design and impressive performance, the Hotfix quickly became the envy of pilots all around the universe.

The Hotfix was a perfect fit for the pilot's needs. It was fast, maneuverable, and had a surprisingly large cargo capacity. With a total mass of kgs, the Hotfix was capable of carrying up to 6 (SCU) of freight. The 19.3 meter length of the ship made it perfect for navigating tight spaces and docking in smaller ports.

The Hotfix was a great asset for the pilot, who often took on freight and delivery missions. With the Hotfix's impressive speed and maneuverability, the pilot was able to complete jobs quickly and efficiently. The ship was also incredibly reliable, rarely ever failing to perform as expected.

The pilot enjoyed every moment of flying the Hotfix, feeling the thrill of the wind rushing past as they soared through the stars. The ship was also incredibly easy to pilot, allowing even the most inexperienced pilots to feel like a veteran in the cockpit.

The Hotfix was an amazing star ship and a great asset to the pilot. It allowed them to complete jobs quickly, safely, and efficiently. With its impressive performance and reliability, the Hotfix was sure to remain the pilot's pride and joy for many years to come.

Star Ship Stats

RoleStarter;Light Freight
ManufacturerOrigin Jumpworks (ORIG)
Crew (Min)1
Crew (Max)1
Length (Meters)19.3
Beam (Meters)11
Height (Meters)4
Mass (Kgs)

Star Citizen Events

The people of the UEE were all abuzz in the days leading up to the Stella Fortuna holiday. Everyone was preparing for the annual celebration of good luck and fortune. The holiday was especially important to the people of Mars, who had colonized the planet as a part of the UEE several decades before.

On the morning of Stella Fortuna, the people of Mars awoke to find a surprise from the UEE. A hotfix had been released to commemorate the holiday. The patch included new features and enhancements to the game, Star Citizen. The patch was a gift from the UEE to the people of Mars, to thank them for their hard work and dedication in colonizing the planet.

The people of Mars were overjoyed with the hotfix. They celebrated with a massive festival, complete with feasting, fireworks, and plenty of dancing. Everyone was in high spirits, as they knew that luck was in their favor.

At the center of the festivities was a game of chance. It was called Stella Fortuna, and the goal was to push your luck and see how far you could go. Everyone took part, and the stakes were high. Lady Fortuna was temperamental and unpredictable, but those who dared to dance with her were rewarded with great success.

The people of Mars celebrated late into the night, and when the sun rose the next morning, they were tired but content. They had danced with Lady Fortuna, and she had been generous. They had pushed their luck, and it had paid off. They had Stella Fortuna to thank for it all.
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.