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Game Session 283

Hotfix had been playing Star Citizen for some time now and he was quite familiar with the game. He had plenty of friends who he would often team up with to go on missions together. He always made sure everyone was using his game referral code, STAR-TTG2-KM9Y, when they created their accounts so they could enjoy the free in-game credits and Star Citizen sale event bonuses.

Hotfix and his friends would often take on PVE and PVP missions together, such as bounty hunting, player rescues, cargo hauling, salvage and mining. Hotfix was particularly fond of the bounty hunting missions, as they were always exciting and full of action. He was also quite adept at the salvage and mining missions, as they were a nice break from all the combat.

The friends would often spend hours playing together, and they always had a blast. Hotfix was always amazed at how much content Star Citizen had to offer, and he was always eager to explore new areas and take on new missions.

As the night went on, Hotfix and his friends kept playing and having a great time. Thanks to Hotfix's game referral code, everyone was able to enjoy the extra bonuses and free in-game credits, which made the experience even more enjoyable.

By the end of the night, Hotfix and his friends had gone on countless missions together, and had a great time doing it. They all agreed to meet up again soon, and play some more Star Citizen. Hotfix was sure that this time, with his game referral code, everyone would enjoy even more rewards and bonuses.

Vanguard Hoplite by Aegis Dynamics - Dropship

Hotfix had been a Star Citizen for many years, and he had always dreamed of owning his own star ship. But he was never able to afford one of the larger ships, and so he was content with the smaller craft he flew.

But then one day, he heard about the new Medium size "Vanguard Hoplite" star ship by "Aegis Dynamics", and he knew he had to have it. He scrimped and saved every credit he could, and eventually he was able to purchase the ship.

Hotfix was amazed at the power of the Hoplite. It was fast, maneuverable, and had a great range. But what he was most impressed with was its in game role of Dropship. This allowed Hotfix to take on missions he never would have been able to before.

He could now transport cargo and passengers between planets and stations, as well as take on search and rescue missions. He even found himself in the middle of a few battles, and the Hoplite handled itself admirably.

Hotfix was amazed at how much he was able to do with the Vanguard Hoplite. It was the perfect ship for a Star Citizen like him. He was proud of his purchase and knew that he had made the right decision.

The Vanguard Hoplite was a dream come true for Hotfix, and he was proud to be the captain of such an amazing ship. He was proud to be a Star Citizen, and the Hoplite was the perfect addition to his fleet.

Star Ship Stats

NameVanguard Hoplite
ManufacturerAegis Dynamics(AEGS)
Crew (Min)2
Crew (Max)2
Length (Meters)38
Beam (Meters)26.5
Height (Meters)9.5
Mass (Kgs)229,440

Star Citizen Events

Ahoy, ye salty sea dogs! It's time to break out the bandanas, sharpen the cutlasses, and cuss like a sailor, 'cause Pirate Week has come to Star Citizen! The whole 'verse is abuzz with the news, and the crew is hard at work making sure everything is ship shape for the festivities.

The first of the Pirate Week events is the Pirate Swarm game mode in Arena Commander. The goal is to take out as many of the enemy pirate ships as you can while trying to survive the onslaught. It's a fast-paced and intense battle, and the best part is that if you can survive the battle, you will have a chance to win the infamous pirate Gladius.

To ensure that everyone has a chance to take part in the festivities, the crew has been hard at work on a hotfix to make sure all the cannons firing properly and make sure that the battle is fair for all. With the hotfix in place, everyone is ready to take the fight to the enemy and come away with the spoils of war.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your pirate gear and get ready to sail the 'verse. Pirate Week is here, and it's time to show the world what you're made of!
Get free game credits
Get 5000 UEC for free when creating a new account. Copy this code or click the link.
How to Use Referral Code
Follow the link above by clicking "Use Referral Code" or click here to be directly forwarded to Roberts Space Industries, offical website of Star Citizen.

Enlist by choosing your unique CallSign and enter the Refferal Code at the base of the form to ensure you receive your 5,000 UEC credits (United Earth Credits) (valued at approximately $5 USD). When clicking on the link, this is populated automatically.

Once enlisted, buy a game package worth at least $40 or use the recurring free fly weeks to enjoy the 5,000 UEC credits in the game. Buy armor, clothing, weapons, ship upgrades and more.