What Star Citizen Ship should I start with?

The challenging question every new player to Star Citizen is faced with... What ship should I start with? Hopefully the below will help you make a decision.

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Gameplay Style and Starter Ship

The best starter ship in Star Citizen for gameplay will depend on the type of gameplay the player is interested in pursuing. Here are some popular options based on the gameplay style:

  1. Combat: The Anvil Arrow is a nimble and agile fighter that can take on other ships in combat. It has good speed and manoeuvrability, making it ideal for dogfighting.
  2. Trading: The MISC Freelancer is a versatile cargo ship that can haul goods across the universe. It has a large cargo hold, multiple turrets, and a sturdy frame that can defend against pirates.
  3. Exploration: The Origin 315p is a well-rounded exploration ship that can scan for new locations and jump long distances. It has a bed, storage space, and a sleek design for traveling in style.
  4. Mining: The Argo Mole is a multi-crew mining vessel that can extract valuable minerals from asteroids. It has three mining lasers and can accommodate a team of players.
  5. Multi-Purpose: The Drake Cutlass Black is a versatile ship that can take on a variety of roles, from combat to cargo hauling to exploration. It has a spacious interior, multiple turrets, and a cargo hold.

Best Starter Ships

It's important to note that each ship has its strengths and weaknesses and that players should choose a ship based on their gameplay preferences. Ultimately, the best starter ship is the one that suits the player's gameplay style and interests.

  1. Anvil Arrow

    This ship is a light fighter that is very agile and can easily outmanoeuvre larger ships. It is equipped with two size 3 weapons and two size 2 weapons, allowing for a good mix of firepower. The Arrow's strength lies in its speed and manoeuvrability, making it ideal for dogfighting and intercepting other ships. However, it has a small cargo hold and limited range, which may not make it the best choice for other gameplay styles.

  2. MISC Freelancer

    This ship is a medium-sized freighter that can transport cargo across the universe. It has a large cargo hold that can be expanded with cargo pods, and can accommodate up to four players. The Freelancer is also equipped with four size 3 weapons, making it capable of defending itself against pirate attacks. It has a sturdy design and long range, making it well-suited for trading and cargo hauling.

  3. Origin 315p

    This ship is a small exploration vessel that can scan for new locations and jump long distances. It is equipped with a size 3 quantum drive, a size 2 shield generator, and a size 1 scanner, as well as a bed and storage space for extended exploration trips. The 315p is also agile and fast, making it suitable for evading danger and manoeuvring in asteroid fields. Its sleek design and luxury features make it a stylish choice for players interested in exploration.

  4. Argo Mole

    This ship is a multi-crew mining vessel that can extract valuable minerals from asteroids. It has three mining lasers, a large cargo hold, and a crew quarters that can accommodate up to three players. The Mole requires coordination and teamwork between players to operate effectively, making it a good choice for players who enjoy cooperative gameplay. It is also well-armed with three size 2 weapons, making it capable of defending itself against pirate attacks.

  5. Drake Cutlass Black

    This ship is a versatile multi-purpose vessel that can perform a variety of roles, including combat, cargo hauling, and exploration. It has a spacious interior that can be customized to suit the player's needs, as well as a turret and a cargo hold that can be expanded with modules. The Cutlass Black is also equipped with four size 3 weapons, making it capable of defending itself against pirate attacks. Its well-rounded design makes it a good choice for players who want to explore multiple gameplay styles.

Gameplays Styles

  1. Combat

    This gameplay style focuses on ship-to-ship combat, where players engage in dogfighting or battle against NPC enemies or other players. Combat in Star Citizen requires skillful piloting, use of weapons and shields, and tactical maneuvering. Players can use a variety of ships, weapons, and equipment to customize their combat loadouts and improve their chances of survival. Combat can take place in space or in planetary environments, and can be a thrilling and challenging experience.

  2. Trading

    Trading in Star Citizen involves buying and selling goods across the universe. Players can purchase goods at one location and transport them to another location for sale at a profit. The gameplay involves managing inventory, navigating trade routes, and avoiding pirate attacks. Players can use a variety of ships to transport cargo, with larger ships having more cargo space and better defenses against pirate attacks. Trading can be a profitable way to earn credits in Star Citizen, and can require a combination of strategy and risk-taking.

  3. Exploration

    Exploration in Star Citizen involves discovering new locations and collecting valuable data. Players can scan planets, moons, and other celestial bodies for resources and anomalies, and can use their ships to travel long distances to new locations. Exploration can involve discovering new jump points, mining resources, or discovering hidden locations. Players can use a variety of ships to explore, with some ships having advanced scanning equipment and long-range jump drives. Exploration can be a rewarding and exciting gameplay experience that offers a sense of discovery and adventure.

  4. Mining

    Mining in Star Citizen involves extracting valuable resources from asteroids, planets, and moons. Players can use a variety of ships and equipment to mine resources, with larger ships having more mining equipment and storage space. Mining involves scanning for resources, extracting them using mining lasers, and transporting them to a refinery for processing. Mining can be a profitable way to earn credits in Star Citizen, and can require skillful piloting and coordination with other players.

  5. Multi-Purpose

    Multi-purpose gameplay in Star Citizen involves a combination of different gameplay styles, such as combat, trading, exploration, and mining. Multi-purpose ships, like the Drake Cutlass Black, are versatile vessels that can perform a variety of roles, making them ideal for players who want to experience multiple gameplay styles. Multi-purpose gameplay requires players to balance their loadouts and skills to be effective in different situations, and can offer a diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

Ground Vehicle Options

There are several ground vehicles available in Star Citizen, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are some of the most common ground vehicles and what they are used for:

  1. Greycat ROC - The Greycat ROC is a small mining vehicle that can extract minerals from the surface of planets and moons. It is equipped with a laser mining head and a small cargo hold for storing mined resources. The ROC can be operated by a single player and is ideal for solo mining or working in a small group.
  2. Cyclone - The Cyclone is a fast and agile all-terrain vehicle designed for scouting and exploration. It can traverse rough terrain and has a good amount of firepower, making it suitable for combat situations as well. The Cyclone can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including machine guns, missile launchers, and plasma cannons.
  3. Ursa Rover - The Ursa Rover is a large, four-wheel drive vehicle designed for exploration and transport. It can carry up to four players and has a good amount of cargo space for storing supplies and equipment. The Ursa Rover is equipped with a turret for defense and can traverse rough terrain.
  4. Nova Tank - The Nova Tank is a heavy combat vehicle designed for engaging enemy ground targets. It is heavily armored and armed with a variety of weapons, including cannons, machine guns, and missile launchers. The Nova Tank requires a crew to operate effectively and can be used in both ground and atmospheric combat situations.
  5. Ranger - The Ranger is a speeder bike designed for fast and agile transportation. It can be equipped with a variety of weapons and is ideal for scouting and reconnaissance missions. The Ranger can also be used for racing and other speed-based gameplay.
  6. Pioneer - The Pioneer is a massive mobile base that can be used to establish and maintain a settlement on a planet or moon. It requires a large crew to operate and is equipped with a variety of facilities and resources, including mining equipment, refining stations, and storage space. The Pioneer is used primarily for player-driven colonization gameplay.

Overall, the ground vehicles in Star Citizen offer a diverse range of gameplay experiences, from mining and exploration to combat and transportation. Players can customize their vehicles with a variety of weapons and equipment to suit their playstyle and can work together in groups to operate larger vehicles like the Nova Tank or Pioneer.